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Community Dive: The fight for our planet's future

Following the historic climate crisis protests led by Greta Thunberg, this month's Community Dive offers tools on how to be a part of the fight to save the planet. Tips, events, and more, it's never been easier to make an impact. DiveIn today!

Whether you're looking to make the most of your volunteer experience or simply need some inspiration to get started, our blog has it all. Check out these quick reads for some insights on how you can DiveIn to your community today!

10 Ways to Motivate Volunteers
By: Prasha Sarwate Dutra, Host and Founder of Her STEM Story

Volunteering at Work: Purpose Improves Company Culture
By: Stephen Jennings, DiveIn's Community Strategist

Slacktivism, Explained
By: Tatjana Freund, a Contributing Writer at Swipe Life

In case you missed it...

The DiveIn app launched last month! We're available on both iOS and Android devices, so if you haven't downloaded our app yet, be sure to check us out!

The Climate Crisis

On September 20th and 27th, Greta Thunberg led young climate strikers in over 150 countries in a protest demanding an end to the age of fossil fuels. With climate change unwilling to wait for us to get our s**t together, she and many youth activists have decided that they won't wait either. Below are five things you can do to be a part of the solution:

  1. Talk about it. Knowing where to start is typically the hardest part. One of the easiest ways to get the ball rolling is to have a conversation with a friend or colleague to help educate yourself. These discussions can help leaders and decision-makers realize that climate change is an important issue for current and future voters — and be compelled to do something about it.
  2. In that vein... Vote! Without elected officials in office who believe in the science behind climate change, we’re not going to see improvement on the local, regional or national level. Use your voice. Vote for the people and the policies that will move the needle. If you’re too young to vote, find out how you can help candidates in other ways. Many need volunteers to help increase their reach.
  3. Shift to a climate-friendly diet. Our diets, to put it bluntly, are a problem for the planet. About a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions can be traced to food in some way. So what you put on your plate actually matters a lot more than you'd think. With a focus on more plant-based proteins and cutting back on red meat, you can truly make a difference.
  4. Purchase less stuff. Buying less not only cuts down on plastic packaging that is clogging our oceans, but it also reduces your carbon footprint and puts fewer greenhouse gasses into our atmosphere. Clothing, in particular, offers a great opportunity to cut back. Consider “slow fashion”, buying fewer pieces of higher quality that are sustainably and ethically made. It might be one of the best things you can do for your footprint.
  5. Educate yourself and others. Climate change affects everyone, but its impact varies from country to country. Learning about how others are dealing with climate change helps build our understanding of the global issue, its implications, and helps us develop truly global solutions. Through social media (and our app) you can also spread awareness about climate change and discuss ways to help.

Saving the planet in Northern Cali

Crissy Field Beach Cleanup

Join the Motive Power team to clean-up Crissy Field Beach! On October 18th, take action and work with others to improve the ocean’s health and make trash-free seas a reality. Family, friends, and colleagues of all ages are invited and encouraged to participate. The more the merrier! You can RSVP on Facebook here.

Kronos Quartet: A Concert for the Climate

The world-renowned Kronos Quartet is playing in an intimate and historic venue on October 27th to support Oil Change International. With special guests, including performances outside by BANDALOOP and a short reading by host Rebecca Solnit, acclaimed author and Oil Change International board member. Tickets are available here in what will surely be a night to remember.

Why Should We Care About Rural America?

Find out why on October 19th with one of the leading nonprofits in the West working with vulnerable rural communities on the frontlines of climate change. Wallowa Resources' stewardship economy model invests in people and the land so that everyone benefits from fire-resilient forests, clean water, recreational opportunities, and locally sourced food. Sign up for free here.

Planting for Fall and Winter Harvest

What better way to start your plant-based diet then by growing your own herbs and veggies? Catch a talk and inspiring visual presentation on October 19th, where you can learn how to have something delicious to harvest every month. Pam Peirce, author of Golden Gate Gardening and a column writer for the San Francisco Chronicle, will guide you to your future green thumbs. Tickets are available here.

Bring DiveIn to Work!

Does your company offer paid Volunteer Time Off or are you and your co-workers looking for something more meaningful than the same happy hour spot? Well, look no further than our one-stop-shop for local impact. Just reply to this email with the contact info for your company's social impact or CSR manager, and we'll take it from there!

Special Thanks

Our development team, Xmartlabs, spent the last few months crushing it and we couldn't be more grateful. Special shout outs to Ani, Bala, Emi, Guille, Joarza, and Meche (and the rest of the team) for putting up with us every day and for bringing DiveIn to life. We wouldn't be here without you. If you or anyone you know is looking for help in the app-building space, you should check them out and tell them we sent you.

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